59: Spiritual Bypassing, Healing Awakenings, Light Code, and The True Meaning of Unity with Spiritual Healer Laura Chung

podcasts Jul 27, 2020

In this episode we talk about all of our favorite spiritual books that have helped us grow. Laura shares how she left the corporate world to travel and connect to her truest life and purpose. We talk about specific Kundalini Kriyas for prosperity, awareness as a key to grow and healing childhood trauma. Laura shares insights on light codes and how we can decode them on a subconscious level. 
 Laura Chung is a New York based Spiritual Teacher. She has her Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and spent most of her adult life in corporate America following a traditional life path. After achieving what most people would say a “successful” life, she did not feel any happier or fulfilled. On a quest to find her true purpose in life, she quit her job in 2017. She became nomadic and traveled the world; stopping by places like India to become a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. She has worked with shamans, astrologers, energy healers, sages and eventually becoming a Reiki Master herself. Somewhere along this journey, she realized that the secret to life is within you. Everyone has the power to create the life of their dreams because we are all limitless beings. Laura’s purpose here on earth is to teach you how to co-create your DREAM LIFE with energy work and by guiding you through your awakening, healing, and transformation. https://kumidreams.com/offerings/

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