I’m an author, mama, spiritual psychology + meditation teacher, SXSW-featured, Ivy-educated, 5-Star Podcast host, and believer that the world is a better place when more people are living as their true most authentic selves. 

I’m a 6-figure business coach, SXSW-featured, Ivy-educated, 5-Star Podcast host, meditation and mindfulness expert and believer that the world is a better place when more people are living as their true aligned selves.

My legacy energy is to activate your own truth, so you can live your most authentic, nourishing and aligned life. 

I’m here to help you harness your inner strengths and intelligence to take action and "do the thing" your heart yearns from from a place of inner guru connection.

Because ultimately, above all else, I’m here to activate within you whatever it is that inspires you to take up space, to live out loud, to unedit your soul.

Because ultimately, above all else, I’m here to activate within you whatever it is that inspires you to take up space.

starMaybe that looks like building your own business as a wellness teacher or coach.

starPossibility starting your entrepreneurial path and becoming a certified meditation teacher & spiritual psychology coach in The Align Coaching Certification™ 

starPerhaps that looks like creating a morning routine that makes you show up for the rest of your life with absolute bliss and grace.

starMaybe it’s to share the medicine on your heart with a hit book or podcast!

star  Maybe it is to explore ceremony as a route to manifest your highest possible soulmate (like I did!)

What does matter is that you’re here to live your most authentic life possible.

What would it take for you to live on your highest possible timeline aka

Would you establish that mindful morning meditation practice you keep putting off?

Would you phone that girlfriend you haven’t seen in ages who’s been on your mind lately?

Would you finally sign up for that dating website to begin manifesting your soulmate?

Maybe it would be something as simple as connecting to nature and nourishing your body with a tall glass of water.

Because guess what? These little choices of how we spend our time in the everyday?

How you spend your days is how you live your life.

I transitioned out of the corporate 9-5 world when I felt a call deep within my soul to give greater space to a massive part of who I was. There was a real hunger from my inner guru (highest self) to dive deeper and live my life more on purpose.

That’s how I found myself quitting my job, leaving behind the cozy comforts of home, and moving across the world to live in both Israel and India.

In Israel, I learned to live off the land. I connected to this holy land and grew in my own relationship with spirituality. I even became a functional medicine nutritionist, learning that how you feed your body is a form of self-love.

I transitioned out of the corporate 9-5 world when I felt a call deep within my soul to give greater space to a massive part of who I was. There was a real hunger from my inner guru (highest self) to dive deeper and live my life more on purpose.

That’s how I found myself quitting my job, leaving behind the cozy comforts of home, and moving across the world to live in both Israel and India.

In Israel, I learned to live off the land. I connected to this holy land and grew in my own relationship with spirituality. I even became a functional medicine nutritionist, learning that feeding your body is a form of self-love.

I spent time in the Israeli desert studying with Shamans, connecting to energy and the languages of Mama Gaia. Ultimately, Israel allowed me to deepen my relationship with my inner guru and spend deep, meaningful time with Self.

Next, I moved to India, working in a slum in Mumbai, educating on hygiene and sanitation. I partnered with the non-profit Sundara to do this work (an organization truly beloved to me, as I still serve on their board today). This time in India was like my own personal ‘Eat Pray Love’ moment, challenging me to spend deep periods in silence one moment and having the epic adventure of motorbiking through the Himalayas at another. I became a certified yoga teacher and met many fake gurus. Nevertheless, it was a period of tremendous growth.

It was with just one weak bar of wifi that my life changed… I’d been accepted into Columbia University while living in a mostly silent ashram in South India! While living nomadically and falling in love with the digital nomad lifestyle, I studied and graduated top of my class in Clinical Psychology and Education, with a Spiritual Mind-Body Connection focus at Columbia. 

At the same time, I’d begun to share the medicine on my heart as a spiritual psychology teacher and meditation coach, working with individuals worldwide to build their own mindfulness, spiritual and alignment practices. As a result, I became in adoration with helping people be happier through the power of active meditation. By the time I graduated from Columbia, I could pay off my student loans the same month as graduation, all because of sharing the medicine on my heart and building a purpose-driven business. 

I organically and very naturally became a spiritual psychology and meditation teacher + business coach for seekers and leaders while still honoring my own spiritual practices and living the life of my dreams. As I settled into this life as a business owner, deep in my own spiritual practice and at peace with myself, I knew I was ready to meet my soulmate.

That’s when I employed everything I’d learned on manifestation to intentionally manifest the love of my life. I sat in this practice for a year and a half, and then my (now husband) entered my DMs.

We live the digital nomad lifestyle with out sweet daughter starseed, Eden. I birthed a baby and my book in the same year (and let me tell you, the book was a tad easier ;) ha!) She is truly my greatest teacher and manifestation come to be. 

My book, NOTHING CAN STOP YOU, which is endorsed by some of my mentors like Gabby Bernstein and Dr. Sheila Nazarian, supports those on the self development and spiritual path to pursue their highest possible timeline. 

I now have diverse ways of working with me and a 5-star podcast + youtube show! It feels surreal (but also this was my agreement with God) to see that what I once dreamed of is now a reality… and I need you to know this is possible for you too.

2020 was a radical wake-up call for the masses and has propelled a lot of powerful women and seekers to shift into the online space. As women, we are at a divine and exciting moment in history, and I’m here to hold space for your unique passions and dreams.

I spent time in the desert studying with Shamans, connecting to energy and the languages of Mama Gaia. Ultimately, Israel allowed me to deepen my relationship with my inner world and spend deep, meaningful time with myself.

Next, I moved to India, working in a slum in Mumbai, educating on hygiene and sanitation. I partnered with the non-profit Sundara to do this work (an organization truly beloved to me, as I still serve on their board today). This time in India was like my own personal ‘Eat Pray Love’ moment, challenging me to spend deep periods in silence one moment and having the epic adventure of motorbiking through the Himalayas at another. I became a certified yoga teacher and met many fake gurus (and accidentally joined a cult… but that’s a story for another day!) Nevertheless, it was a period of tremendous growth.

It was with just one weak bar of wifi that my life changed… I’d been accepted into Columbia University! While living nomadically and falling in love with the digital nomad lifestyle, I studied and graduated top of my class in Clinical Psychology and Education, with a Spiritual Mind-Body Connection focus.

At the same time, I’d begun to share the medicine on my heart as a spiritual teacher, working with individuals worldwide to build their own mindfulness, mediative and alignment practices. As a result, I became obsessed with helping people be happier through the power of mindfulness. By the time I graduated from Columbia, I could pay off my student loans the same month as graduation, all because of sharing the medicine on my heart.

I organically and very naturally became a business coach for conscious and purpose-driven entrepreneurs while still honoring my own spiritual practices and living the life of my dreams. As I settled into this life as a business owner, deep in my own spiritual practice and at peace with myself, I knew I was ready to meet my soulmate.

That’s when I employed everything I’d learned on manifestation to really intentionally manifest the love of my life. I sat in this practice for a year and a half, and then my (now husband) entered my DMs. We now live the digital nomad lifestyle as conscious partners, as I work on my first book (and be warned, we’re very in love and VERY into PDA and may make out in front of you.) I now have diverse ways of working with me and a 5-star podcast! It feels surreal to see that what I once dreamed of is now a reality… and I need you to know this is possible for you too.

2020 was a radical wake-up call for the masses and has propelled a lot of powerful women and seekers to shift into the online space. As women, we are at a divine and exciting moment in history, and I’m here to hold space for your unique dharma and dreams.

Wherever You Are On Your Journey as a Seeker, Mama, Wellness Entrepreneur or wanna be author/podcaster (insert the thing),

Begin Your Meditation Journey

UpLevel Meditation

This self-paced course allows you to kickstart your meditation journey in just 28 days. This is a course that I wish existed for me years ago when I was deeply anxious, insecure and disconnected. I share this course from a place of: "this has radically served me and my life; may it also serve you."


Scale to $5K

Soulful Entrepreneur Basecamp

This online course, filled to the brim with all my signature content plus recorded coaching calls, is exactly what you need if you’re a brand new entrepreneur, ready to scale to consistent $5K months in your business.


Become a Certified Meditation Teacher & Spiritual Psychology Coach

The Align Coaching™ Certification

Join the 9 month long Align Certification where you study UpLevel active & stillness meditation modalities + powerful science-backed coaching frameworks to become a certified meditation teacher and spiritual psychology coach.


Take Your Venture Full Time + Scale to 6 Figures

Limitless Mastermind

This 4-month business coaching container + 1 epic, adventurous retreat rooted in sisterhood supports you in scaling to consistent 10K-50K months. Limitless is the much-needed container to transform your side hustle into your full-time venture!


Become Infinite with 1:1 Support

1:1 Coaching

Available on a very limited basis is 1:1 spiritual and/or business coaching for mindful business owners. This is for you if you’re ready to dive deep into scaling your business to multiple six-figures and beyond, all while sharing the medicine on your heart. This is also a space to explore your inner guru connection and spiritual practices. Please DM me on instagram to see if I have availability @erinrdoppelt 



My debut book NOTHING CAN STOP YOU is out in the world! If you desire to unedit your soul, live your fullest most authentic life and take aligned action on your dreams, buy the book now!

Nothing Can Stop You: A Revolutionary Guide to Unleash Your Authentic Self

A passionate, true-to-life tale and hands-on guide for self-reflection—journey to discover your authentic self
What is your deepest desire and dream? Answering that question means showing up for yourself, and that means committing to your own heroine’s journey.

This is an invitation—and a permission slip—for all people to take up space in this world, become an active participant in their own life, and show up for their most authentic Self. 


I’m currently writing my first-ever book, rooted in my deepest mission: to bridge eastern medicine with western philosophy. This book is exactly what you need to begin, reactivate or reinspire your own spiritual and mindfulness journey.

Get on the list to be the first to hear when the book launches!

Here’s just a taste of what’s possible (and what my actual clients have accomplished while working together!)

One of my clients recently had a 24K sales DAY
(...and this was still in the pre-launch mode to a list of 30 people).

A group of my clients from one of my masterminds became such dear friends; they’re now collaborating and planning a retreat together!

Countless clients have worked with me now to create their own unique, blissful mindfulness practices and routines.

When you radically align your life and business with your purpose, you cannot even imagine the beautiful ripple effects that occur. For example, I’ve had clients who’ve worked with me in my spiritual coaching programs manifest love and unexpected prosperity… you never know what is possible!

No matter how we work together, you can expect self-study and truly accounting of the soul to be part of our work together. Time to self-reflect is essential to the process of tuning into your most divine and aligned higher self.

Here’s just a taste of what’s possible (and what my actual clients have accomplished while working together!)

One of my clients recently had a 24K sales DAY (... and this was still in the pre-launch mode to a list of 30 people).

A group of my clients from one of my masterminds became such dear friends; they’re now collaborating and planning a retreat together!

Countless clients have worked with me now to create their own unique, blissful mindfulness practices and routines.

When you radically align your life and business with your purpose, you cannot even imagine the beautiful ripple effects that occur. For example, I’ve had clients who’ve worked with me in my business coaching programs manifest love and unexpected prosperity… you never know what is possible!

No matter how we work together, you can expect self-study and truly accounting of the soul to be part of our work together. Time to self-reflect is essential to the process of tuning into your most divine and aligned higher self.

“Erin coached me from having just an idea to earning consistent $3-5K months within the first 6 months of my business! As a spiritual entrepreneur coach, she strikes a balance of being kind, compassionate and wise with also being grounded, direct and to the point. Working with her has given me the tools I needed to start my business and plenty of ideas on how to scale and grow to larger numbers moving forward. Erin’s vast experience in both Eastern wisdom and Western conventions make her uniquely knowledgeable about entrepreneurship in the healing arts and spirituality. In addition to planning out my actionable goals and tracking metrics, Erin helped me improve my mindset, bust through imposter-syndrome and build my business from a place of soul-aligned peace and calm.”

- Becca

Here’s A Glimpse Into The Journey

I quit my corporate 9-5 marketing job in honor to listen to the pull in my heart from my inner guru to explore a new side of me

I spent the first half of the year in Israel, studying spirituality and religion, connecting with my roots and ancestry, and studying conflict in the middle east. I dove deep into the power of nutrition to our overall holistic health, becoming a functional medicine health coach. In October 2015, I moved to India, where I lived in multiple ashrams, motorbiked through the Himalayas, and deepened my spirituality significantly. I bent even deeper into my yogic practice and became a certified yoga teacher. But this time also exposed me to the harm of false gurus, even leading me to accidentally join a cult… but these are all lessons that only deepened my work and understanding.

I started my online business, taught my first-ever meditation workshop, and began my graduate studies at Columbia University. With just 1 weak bar of wifi in an ashram in India, I found out that I had been accepted into Columbia!

As I began my graduate studies, I also lived as a digital nomad, growing my own spiritual coaching business. I helped people worldwide connect with their own inner guru, build a gorgeous mindfulness practice that worked for them, and guided them in their own journeys as mindfulness teachers. I also began to manifest my soulmate, spending over a year really envisioning that relationship before I met the love of my life on December 1, 2017 (he slid into my DM’s after my year of manifesting him)

I spoke as a mindfulness teacher and leader at SXSW, and graduated top of my class at Columbia. Throughout this process, I grew and scaled my business, which allowed me to pay off my student loans the same month I graduated.

I launched my signature offer The Align Coaching Certification™ a 9 month program where seekers, leaders, and visionaries become certified meditation teachers and spiritual psychology coaches, and got engaged to the bitcoin yogi my soulmate Jon.

I led a retreat to India and married Jon (with just 25 people present, on August 14, 2020). 

Jon and I had our dream wedding, getting married again on August 15, 2021.

2024: Today, I live nomadically with my husband, our gorgeous daughter, while speaking about my book around the world and educating in The Align Coaching Certification™. 

Here’s A Glimpse Into The Journey

I quit my corporate 9-5 marketing job in honor to listen to the pull in my heart from my inner guru to explore a new side of me

I spent the first half of the year in Israel, studying spirituality and religion, connecting with my roots and ancestry, and studying conflict in the middle east. I dove deep into the power of nutrition to our overall holistic health, becoming a functional medicine health coach. In October 2015, I moved to India, where I lived in multiple ashrams, motorbiked through the Himalayas, and deepened my spirituality significantly. I bent even deeper into my yogic practice and became a certified yoga teacher. But this time also exposed me to the harm of false gurus, even leading me to accidentally join a cult… but these are all lessons that only deepened my work and understanding.

I started my online business, taught my first-ever meditation workshop, and began my graduate studies at Columbia University. With just 1 weak bar of wifi in an ashram in India, I found out that I had been accepted into Columbia!

As I began my graduate studies, I also lived as a digital nomad, growing my own spiritual coaching business. I helped people worldwide connect with their own inner guru, build a gorgeous mindfulness practice that worked for them, and guided them in their own journeys as mindfulness teachers. I also began to manifest my soulmate, spending over a year really envisioning that relationship before I met the love of my life on December 1, 2017 (he slid into my DM’s after my year of manifesting him)

I spoke as a mindfulness teacher and leader at SXSW, and graduated top of my class at Columbia. Throughout this process, I grew and scaled my business, which allowed me to pay off my student loans the same month I graduated.

I launched my Certificate in Mindfulness and Wellbeing Strategy , and got engaged to my sweet soulmate Jon.

I led a retreat to India and married Jon (with just 25 people present, on August 14, 2020). I hit multiple 6 figures revenue and had my biggest year to date.

Jon and I had our dream wedding, getting married again on August 15, 2021. Today, I live nomadically with my husband while I write my first book. I am on pace to have my biggest year yet!


Join the 9 month long Align Certification where you study UpLevel active & stillness meditation modalities + powerful science-backed coaching frameworks to become a certified meditation teacher and spiritual psychology coach.

This certification is  where you become a certified meditation teacher & spiritual psychology coach including...

starA Meditation Teacher Training

starSpiritual Psych Immersion

star The Align Coaching Certification™ Signature east meets west frameworks

starBusiness & Clinical Immersion



Attract your soulmate clients, create irresistible offers, launch your soul-led business and avoid burnout + naivety as a new entrepreneur with this intensive certification program.

This certification is 3 months of business magic, including...

starLIVE coaching calls

starAccess to my signature content vault

starExclusive Voxer access (not to mention a prestigious certificate ;))


In critical thinking and cultivating a space where everyone feels seen, heard and supported for their most authentic Self.

This is not the space for you if you’re prejudice, discriminatory, or have a narrow definition of what peace or success looks like.

Regardless of your gender identity or expression, religion, ethnicity, age, disability status, sexual orientation or citizenship, you are welcome here.

While I do say women throughout my website (and the majority of my experience is in working with women), all are welcome in this space.

In cultivating a space where everyone feels seen, heard and supported for who you are.

This is not the space for you if you’re prejudice, discriminatory, or have a narrow definition of what success looks like.

Regardless of your gender identity or expression, religion, ethnicity, age, disability status, sexual orientation or citizenship, you are welcome here.

While I do say women throughout my website (and the majority of my experience is in working with women), all gender expressions and pronouns are welcome in this space.

"Erin's the best that I've ever seen and she's so real and authentic, her sales approach embodies her truth and she sells and coaches in a feminine way."

- Fern Olivia, Founder Thyroid Yoga

"If you're looking to find life purpose and align with your truest self, this is a must-read book. Erin offers a powerful roadmap for readers to start following their dreams today!"

- Gabby Bernstein, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of The Universe Has Your Back

My Inner Circle Is Open To You, Always.

Sign up for my email list and be the first in the know about epic offers and everything else that’s going on around here!

My Inner Circle Is Open To You, Always.

Sign up for my email list and be the first in the know about epic offers and everything else that’s going on around here!

I’d love you to follow along with my journey - @erinrdoppelt

When you follow along, pop in and send me a DM to say hi! It’s my honor and joy to connect with you!

Craving a Sisterhood?

Join my community of like-minded spiritual women living their own best authentic lives!


Erin Rachel Doppelt is an Activator, Mindfulness Teacher, Meditation Expert, Business Coach, Writer, 5-Star Podcast Host. She believes that the world is a better place when more people are living as their true aligned selves.

Erin Rachel Doppelt is an author, spiritual psychology + Mindfulness Teacher, Business Coach, Writer, 5-Star Podcast Host. She believes that the world is a better place when more people are living as their true aligned selves.